DATE: Wednesday, October 6th, 2010
TIME: 7:30pm, registration begins at 7:00pm
PLACE: The Robert Gill Theatre, 214 College Street (College and St. George) Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2Z9 For Directions
FEE: $10.00
RSVP: via email info@torontopowergroup.com or www.meetup.com/torontopowergroup
Well it’s finally here. Our 1st event dedicated to solely to your Intimate Relationships. For 2 years, we’ve done several questionnaires and surveys and every time the most requested topic by far is Intimate Relationships.
So, literally, for two years we’ve been searching for an expert to step up and deliver in this area. And finally the search is over. Chris St John, Owen Williams and Paulo da Silva have made it their mission to lift couples up from a position of working ON their relationships to working IN their relationship.
They train, coach and teach on the principles of masculine and feminine polarity. Impressing upon their students the importance of getting back to your essence; in order to truly feel the love and passion you so richly deserve.
Sacred Intimacy, seems like the stuff of fairy tales and movies. But this is no movie, this is not a dream…this is real life…and this could be your life, your relationship!
If you’re ready to take your relationship to a level of uncharted ecstasy or if you’re ready to find out how, to meet someone you can go their with…this is the event for you!
Love, passion, and true connection is just a meeting away…October 6th is your chance for Sacred Intimacy.
RSVP today.
Owen Williams is a Relationship Coach, Guest Speaker, Author of The Relationship Revolution and co-founder of TheWorkofMen.com and RelationshipExcellence.com. Like many men and women today, Divorce was his wake up call as a man. "It took that experience for me to look at who I was and what I wanted in my life as a man. In that moment, I understood that I had no clue what commitment really meant. It took ten years of introspection and truth telling for me to claim how I wanted to be as a man and live it. Holding myself into account is my job as a man."
Chris St. John, is a former Canada Cup champion body builder, guest speaker and coach. Today Chris brings the same discipline, perseverance and vision he learnt as a body builder to his work. "Family is the most important thing to me and divorce is not an option. As a man it is my responsibility is to pass on to my three children the tools they will need to succeed in the world......and creating a relationship of my dreams, with my wife by staying in the tension"
Paulo da Silva, is co-founder of BigLife Group Inc., a Toronto based Coaching and Leadership development company. Paulo works with individuals and men in particular, in growing their personal awareness and is committed to developing individual and team leadership capacities in support of personal and business objectives