DATE: Saturday, October 10th, 2009
TIME: 11:00am
PLACE: Subaru Head Office, 560 Suffolk Court (Mavis and 401 South-East Corner), Mississauga, Ontario, L5R 4J7
FEE: $0.00
RSVP: via email
Feel free to send this to your family, friends and colleagues. The more the merrier!
For those that are new to this, we receive contact info for 100 families. We receive food, perishable and non-perishable and toiletries, from various companies and individual donations. The food terminals donate lots of fresh fruits and veggies each year. We can always use more. We meet the Saturday of Thanksgiving and pack our boxes and baskets. You will receive a list of recipients by postal code the day of. You drive out, in pairs, to the families to deliver the boxes/baskets. If you wish, you can come back for our Celebration Potluck Dinner (at Joanne's home) to share your experience.
Where: 11:00 am Sorting - Subaru Head Office, 560 Suffolk Court, Mississauga ON L5R
4J7 (Mavis and 401, SE corner, you can see it off the 401)
Outline: 10:00 am eat before you leave! Bring water for yourself.
11:00 am volunteers arrive at Subaru and start sorting items into boxes
wrap baskets – you will receive an info sheet for the day
12:00 pm I’ll have some veggies, munchies and dip, please eat before you arrive
1:30 pm volunteers receive their list of families
2:00 pm volunteers drive out, in pairs, to the families (Mississauga, Brampton, some
possible Etobicoke), remember your GPS or Perly’s maps
6:00 pm Celebration Potluck Vegetarian Dinner at Joanne’s, email
for address and directions
Think of how you are going to store your food for 7+ hrs, a cooler?
Perhaps buy something from a store after the drive, on your way to Joanne's
RSVP: or 647-722-4680
1. What position(s) you would love to own
2. If you are coming for Dinner, what vegetarian food item you will be bringing
3. If you will be involved send your full name, address, telephone and email as
Joanne sends thank you’s each year.