DATE: June 3rd, 2008
TIME: 7:00pm
PLACE: Metro Hall, 55 John Street (King & John), room 302
FEE: $2.00
RSVP: click the link under TPG links
It’s easy to get excited, to get motivated but what tends to slow people down is getting into action. Getting yourself to make the steps necessary. In other words, getting yourself to take action even though you may not feel like it. The key phrase, feel like it
Imagine if you could master that, master your feelings, Master Your Emotions!
Well in June, our speaker is going to teach you how to do that very thing.
The Toronto Power Group is proud to announce our June meeting, Mastering Your Emotions.
This meeting will be conducted by Toronto Power Group superstar, Waleed Elsayed. It is truly is a pleasure to meet a presenter who is so enthusiastic and driven towards conducting such an empowering TPG meeting.
This groundbreaking event will take place June 3rd at the Metro Hall located at 55 John Street (King and John) in room 302 at 7:00pm.
Waleed is gearing up for a very interactive and high level event and he needs you and your full participation. There is an assignment that he would like you to complete before coming to the event. Before arriving on June 3rd, Waleed is requesting that you list a few challenges that are giving you struggles and causing emotional imbalance in your life, for example: kids are not behaving, family member is sick, work stinks, not enough money, not enough time etc.
Be sure to RSVP for this event. Our attendance at meetings continues to grow at each meeting and with a workshop of this caliber we are sure to exceed our expectations.
Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
This is your year!!