April's Event: It's about Fulfillment!! - Take back your Time

DATE: Tuesday April 1, 2008
TIME: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
PLACE: 55 John Street, Metro Hall, 3rd Floor
FEE: $2.00

Well, the season is about to change and we're almost a quarter of the way through this year.

As spring approaches, it's a clear message from the universe that time marches on.

So how is it going so far for you?

Are you spending the majority for your time doing the things you have to do? Or are you spending the majority of your time doing the things you truly want to do? Are you focused on doing what sets you on fire? Or are you doing what's necessary to get by?

The theme here is time. And our meeting this month is about fulfillment! Getting a sense of pride, joy and enthusiasm as you carve out your days.

Our speaker Dave Ramon is going to show you how to craft world class days. Because if you can learn how to create world class days then you can create world class weeks, months, years and ultimately a world class life. The key to this is taking total control of your time. Focusing on the things that give you the greatest sense of fulfillment.

Dave will walk you through the RPM system and show: you the five master steps to organizing your time; the weekly planning process; help you create a compelling vision and show you how to work towards that vision every single day.

It's your turn.

It's your time.

It's time for you to ignite the passion in your life and spend the time doing things that truly set your heart on fire. It's about fulfillment.

This is your year and we want to see you make the most of it!!

See you April 1st, 2008.