Tony was featured as a Keynote Speaker at the Learning Annex Real Estate and Wealth Expo and gave a talk to about 25,000 people. Donald Trump's talk was being massively promoted, but Tony's was definitely the better of the two, if not the best in the whole Expo! He's used to having 50 hours to get his life strategies through to people, but he worked out a format to deal with the time contrains of about 3 hours - I'm sure it was worth the payoff! And we sure benefited too!
Here's a list of some take away points that I've adapted from the presentation.
-2 master skills of life: 1) The science of achievement 2) The art of fulfillment
-success without fulfillment is failure
-success means different things to everybody
-what's the ticket to see life as progress
-what you focus on is what you feel
-Major Decisions: what are you going to focus on? The past, the present, the future? what does this mean? Is this the end or the beginning? will I miss the moment or take the moment? move forward or pull back?
-Decisions = Destiny
-Fear gets our focus. Stress is really fear. Master your fear.
-Focus on where you want to go. i.e. race car driving story where as a race driver, he would focus on the wall when he got in a spin. The best way to avoid hitting the wall is to focus on where you want to go.
-relationship is life
-time is emotion
-depression is a habit and is a focus on yourself
-it's not about what am I going to get, but what am I going to give
-not about me, but we
-awaken your nervous system
-raise your standards (change I "Should" to I "MUST")i.e. I should spend more time with my kids. Make it a MUST! He also did an exercise where he told the crowd to introduce themselves to others with the thought being they have 3 seconds to make them like them or they loose everything...bascially it was your one shot, to make it or break it. That's a must mode of thinking! Mentioned Donald Trump and how he has to be #1, for Donald it's a must
-change your limiting beliefs
-model the strategies that work
-increase your emotional intensity
-give more than you expect to receive
-I liked how he referenced his happiness and how our culture looks down on happiness, and how we bascially need to have a reason to be happy. Why? He's countercultureal and inspires us to be happy for no particular reason.
What were your thoughts on Tony Robbins and The Expo in general? Let's get some dialogue going people! Post them in the comments section below.